Monday, January 5, 2009

a New Veginning

Alright, so even though it's a new year and all, I still want to take a moment to rant and brag about all the vegan goodies I got for xmas. On top of all the rad cooking supplies my mom got for me, (Pampered Chef, shit yes!), I received a few neat cook books and other smell goods.

First up, was Sarah Kramer's solo recipe book, La Vegan Dolce: Vegan Livin' Made Easy. This book is pretty neat because it's not only a compilation of her own recipes, several of them have been submitted in by other people around the country!

Another cool thing about this book is that she doesn't just stick to recipes, she has a section at the end of the book heavily promoting DiY culture and a lot of 'hot to' projects. much like in her first book, How it All Vegan, simplicity rules, too.

The second cook book I got was this little beauty, The Vegan Gourmet. Heh, I'd never even read the 1st edition, ya'll. This book's great because each recipe lets you know the following: amount of calories, protein, fat, dietary fiber, carbs, sodium, etc.

Not to mention, it's gourmet shit. (Oh, sweet contradiction.)

I haven't cooked anything in this yet, but just you wait.

And, without further ado, the best smelling thing in the Western Hemisphere:


I got another candle, too. It was an apple scented one with another clvere title. For serious, it smells like fresh, juicy, apples. I can't get over it. These rule becase they're made from soybean wax instead of beeswax. Cruelty-free and ...smell-tastic?

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